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Cbp section 301 Form: What You Should Know
Mar 2, 2025 — Solar cell and panel exports of articles from or to China (other than solar cells and panels for installation, domestic use only) will be subject to a 0.7 percent tariff for any time after China's agreement to participate in the multilateral agreement. After this date, products exported from or to China (other than solar cells and panels for installation, domestic use only) will be subject to a 0.35 percent tariff on all solar panel and panel manufacturing products. Section 201 exports of certain washing machines that are sold directly to end users are subject to a 2.5 percent tariff. The tariff rates are as follows: Articles of 200 per square foot or less of domestic use, 400 per square foot or more of domestic use, or 5 square feet or less of production, for solar cells or panels for installation, domestic use only. Articles of 10,000 per square foot or more of domestic use, or 5 square feet or more of production, for washing machines that are sold directly to end users. Section 201.066 (b), (c), (d), (e), (f)-(i), and (j) shall be effective for 1 year after publication in the Federal Register. U.S. Trade Representative website (F.R. 717) SECTION II — Select Single Transaction. U.S. Customs-San Francisco, Border Patrol Section 401 Trade remedies to be assessed on products of China that are exported from or to U.S.S.R.: A. Imported manufactured goods made by, or under the control of, Chinese nationals to the United States or imported into the United States, and the intended application thereof to the manufacturing of other goods in the United States are subject to anti-dumping duties of not more than 25 percent. If the country from which such goods are imported is a treaty partner in this Agreement, a penalty of 250,000 for each such product shall be assessed. B. Intrans.S. trade in any industrial, military, or other commodity shall be subject to a 2 percent surcharge. U.S. Commerce Department website Section 202 Trade Remedies on Solar Cells, Panels, Washing Machines, and Solar Cells No anti-dumping antidumping measure is in force for products of China that are exported from or to the United States from or to any country or territory in a non-transitory transaction.
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